Friday, September 12, 2008

Where is Dr. House? Is he Fiction

When your baby is sick and can't tell you what is wrong you feel helpless. Over the past 6 months she has had this real bad cough on and off then she gets real congested. Initially we took her to Kaiser and they diagnosed it as Broncolitis (the baby version of Broncithis). Then a few months later is back, and then a few months after that its back again. In ten months she has gone through this at least 5 times. It starts with a cough, then the mucus and flem, and eventually it makes it difficultfor her to breath. Then we have to use a nebulizer and inhaler, and occasionally prescribed steroids. The doctors have said that because of its recurrences it could be I kind of took it as the doctors being right until...

With the lack of health insurance due to my work transition we took the baby to Tijuana to my wife's childhood doctor. Before we finish explaining all the symptoms he begins asking us questions where everything he asked we were like ..yeah, yeah, yeah. He immediately diagnosed her as having baby reflux, which irritates the throat and causes the cough.

What is Reflux?
My child has a chronic cough . . . wheezing . . . recurrent pneumonia . . . My infant cries and cries . . . any one of these symptoms alone may indicate a common condition called Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).

Most babies "spit up" after they eat, but some babies spit up so much so frequently that they are diagnosed with Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD). The definition of reflux is splashing or pushing of stomach contents backwards up into the esophagus, and sometimes, out the mouth or nose. All of us have some reflux every day. Most of us aren't aware of it when it happens. One important thing to remember, over 90% of Children who have reflux will outgrow it.

How Do I Know if My Child Has Reflux?

If the baby vomits frequently (more than once or twice daily)

If the baby has recurrent pneumonias

If the baby shows discomfort eating (i.e. refusal to eat, stiffens up, arches back
(opisthotonus), tries to push away from the bottle)

Persistent Hiccups or Persistent Cough

Chronic nasal and/or sinus congestion (from aspiration)

Frequent Choking episodes Child complains of burning pain in the chest area Complains that eating hurts

Chronic reflux can result in Esophagitis. This is caused by erosion to the esophagus from the acid in the vomit. Signs can range from pain during feedings (a baby may seem eager for a bottle, but after a sip suddenly refuse to take any more) to blood in the vomit. If this continues for a long period of time it can cause scarring on the esophagus and rarely, it can lead to Barretts Esophagus or even Cancer. It is important to diagnose reflux early and when necessary treat it medicinally. Reflux may be diagnosed based on the description of the Child's behavior. Often the doctor will order tests to confirm the diagnosis.

Now my question is why did the doctors at Kaiser not even look at this. Why did they not ask the same questions. Kaiser doctors never really even look at her. they took more time looking at their computer screen vs the baby. I am wondering if Doctors like the ones we see on TV that actually troubleshoot and talk to their patients really exist. I guess Dr. House is really more fiction than I tought.

Within three days of going to the doctor her condition has improved...I guess it was a blessing to not have insurance. That's twice that we visit this doctor an he gets it right on the first try. Last issue we had with the baby (A bad diaper rash) took three visits to kaiser with no results. It was not until we went to Tijuana that it went away.

But whats even more amazing is that we been blessed with a happy baby...even though she is uncomfortable she never stops smiling.

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