Sunday, December 21, 2008

100 Things About Me

I stole this from another fiends blog and adapted it for me....
1.I come from a small family.
2. I have a younger brother by 8 years and a younger sister by 8.
3. My father had a kidney transplant and is a walking medical miracle .
4. My mother stayed up every night sewing to make money to help support us. The hum of the sewing machines would put me to sleep.
5. Now I stay up every night working.
6. My Father started as a dishwasher 30 years ago and today he supervises 3 different departments.
7. I was a premie at 7 months.
8. My Grandma taught I was born at 5 months, eventually they told her the truth, I kind of spoiled the surprise
9. My parents were undocumented at the time but payed every dime of the hospital bill for a premie and Cesarean birth.
10. I entered SDSU as a Psychology Major and got my B.S. as planned
11. I also received a B.A. in Chican@ studies by accident
12. I never taught I would graduate from High School but got a masters from USD
13. It was a degree in non Profit Management & Leadership Studies
14. I made it through my masters program without purchasing a single text book (borrowed and used the Internet)because I was short on cash.
15. I owe far to much money for my undergrad work
16. I owe nothing for my Masters thanks to the Reebok Human Rights Award I received in 2003
17. I miss working with young people on Diversity issues (Camp Anytown. Minitown, YTOWN)
18. I have alwasy lived in San Diego County
19. "Knowing Pedro is Knowing Work"
20. I chaired the San Diego Cesar E. Chavez Events for too long
21. I learned so much about leadership but took too many unnecessary hits
22. I am a danzante for a traditional Aztec Dance group fore over 10 years
23. I have an enormous belief in the Virgen De Guadalupe
25. I believe my Grandma (Mom' side) is my guardian angel...she passed less than a month after I was born while preparing to come meet me. All she ever saw was a picture.
26. I have only traveled out of the country to Mexico City (Of course Mexicali, and Tijuana but that is just an extension of San Diego)
27. I have traveled out of state to Arizona, Seattle, Orlando, Pittsburgh, New York, Boston, DC, Minnesota, Cincinnati, Chicago
28. When we traveled to Seattle we caught a baseball game in every major stadium including Dodger Stadium; Petco, Angels Stadium, At&T Stadium, SafeCo Field
29. I played Shortstop for many years but my natural position was second base (Yea! Roberto Alomar.
30. My knee was scoped in High School and my knee or weight was never the same
31. I am a diabetic who struggles to stay healthy
32. I need to drop about 50 pounds to be where I consider to be healthy
33. I weigh approximately 100 pounds more than I weighed in High School
34. I was voted most changed since High School at my 10 year reunion
35. In Junior High Rhonda Singers and I were voted class clowns
36. I am proud of my being an Alumni of Chula Vista 2004 I was inducted into the districts hall of fame for my community work
37. I drive a Scion XB but miss my Chevy S-10
38. I much rather have a 1953 Chevy Truck
39. I had 3 eye surgeries as a baby
40. I wear glasses because I fear contacts touching my eyes. I am traumatized from so many visits tot he optometrist that I even hate eye drops.
41. I love to cook, and the kitchen in our house is mine
42. I am the ultimate Sam the Cooking Guy Fan
43. My Favorite food is ...well food in general
44. I still collect baseball cards and memorabilia
45. I also have a an original Voltron
46. I met my wife in 1998 and didn't remember her
47. In 1999 she reintroduce herself and we did not get along
48. In 2000 we ran into each other at SDSU and eventually went out on a date
49. She kissed me first (yet she blames me)
50. She moved in in 2001
51. We officially married in 2007
52. I /m 5'6"
53. Stitch is my favorite Disney Character
54. I’m right handed.
55. My Favorite TV show is House. I secretly strive to be like him.
56. I also occasionally watch novelas ( Currently hooked on reruns of "Dame Chocolate"
57. I’m very competitive.
58. I have never had a cavity
59. I did break one of my front teeth in a fight in Junior High
60. My hairline is receding.
61. I would like to run for political office someday.
62. "VOTE FOR PEDRO" Will be my slogan with guest appearances from Napoleon Dynamite
63. I was treasure of my elementary school in 5th grade and in college I was elected to the student council 3 times.
64. I am a neat freak , my wife is the opposite
65. I tend to think of many things at once. The problem is that because of this, I sometimes don’t finish what I’m doing before I’m on to the next thing in my head.
67. Oops I missed 66 because I was thinking of other stuff
68. My Birthday either falls on or near Thanksgiving every year. This sucks because my birthday meals always included leftovers or Turkey. Also no one is ever around to celebrate.
69. I am a Sagittarius but right on the cuff of Scorpio
70. I love wearing suits, and guyaberas
71. I have a grill in the backyard I named Lucille
72. I once dance with Lucy Lu of Charlies Angels Fame
73. My favorite type of wine is a a Rose or Blush ( I know girly)
74. My favorite alcoholic drink is a purple haze ( I kind of remember them, a little hazy)
75. I don't like the taste of beer
76. But I love Cheese..."Cheddar makes it Better"
77. 13 is my lucky number
78. I love video games
79. I use to walk and talk in my sleep
80. I ran over a CHP officer after falling asleep at the wheel (She was OK, but I rubbed her the wrong way)
81. I am a sucker for love songs
82. My favorite artist include Boys II Men, KC & Jojo, and the Temptations
83. My Favorite movies include Click, Mi Familia, and Transformers
84. My Favorite Stores are IKEA and Target
85. I clip coupons
86. I always feel guilty when I spend money on something that is solely for me.
87. My last major purchase was a new computer (that was purchased with a grant I received)
88. I would go nuts without the internet, e-mail, and outlook
89. I have a my space, blogger, and linked account
90. I enjoy manicures and pedicures
91. I have a tattoo: A UFW eagle surrounded by an Aztec Sun
92. I have a dog named Mixtli (Cloud in Nahuatl)... She is a Bichon Freeze
93. I also have share custody of a turtle named Turtlelina
94. I prefer cold weather
95. I am in love with Kim Kardashian and Carmen Electra
96. If you ask me for help, I cant say No
97. I consider myself to be a hard worker who is dedicated and passionate to my community
98. I am my own biggest critic and sometimes over analyze my actions and behavior
99. The two things I want on my tombstone (actually want to be cremated): Loved his Family, Loved His Community
100. I love every second of being a father.

1 comment:

freediabetesinfo said...

wow its really difficult to write 100 things , neways you can live normal life with diabetes , all you need to do is follow doctor's recommendations and fight with it darely