Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Results are in...

3 months ago I left my job partly because of the effect the unnecessary stress was having on my health. Of course at that point it was nothing but a correlation and I could never be to sure that's what it was but during the last month of work my health was at very dangerous levels. I began to have symptoms of kidney failure, the beginnings of pancreatis, I was at high risk of having either a stroke or heart attack. I was a total mess.This afternoon I have hit a major milestone...I am finally at a point where my health has greatly improved. There is no doubt in my mind that the organization I worked for who emphasis building a strong community and stands on the pillars of spirit, mind, and body was killing me.

When looking at my diabetic panel I have gone from a 10.3 last June to an 8.2, Now I need to get under 6 but I am heading in the right direction. My cholesterol has gone from 558 to normal at 110. Alarmingly my Triglycerides where at 7640 in June (yes it is in the thousands, can you say stroke) my new results have me at 253. Still high but a dramatic improvement. My HDL (the good cholesterol) still is low at 27, but I am not that far away from the 40 mark. My Microalbumin still remains high but was nearly cut in half from 583 to 255. My creatinine levels level are right on track indicating that my kidney function only slightly has been reduced and is now holding steady.

I still have a long road to controlling my diabetes but I have regained some of the feeling in my hands and feet that was disappearing due to the neuropathy. The pain that comes from the neuropathy,is also totally gone I no longer get easily dehydrated and I have gained some energy. It could have simply been that I now have time to focus on my health and medications but I know it was the unnecessary stress that I was under. I hope that soon I will be able to get away from the twice a day insulin syringes and half a dozen pills.
I think back to my decision to leave and I am comforted by the fact that my health is improving and I have spent some very valuable time with my daughter. Often I wondered if it was just me, but when I talk to those whom are still there they share with me the same frustrations I had when I was there. I carry with me some guilt for leaving some people behind in that situation and I amazed that the powers that be don't do something to improve working conditions in an already chaotic and stressful environment. I have come to realize the only way that anything will ever change is if the consequences of their negligence out ways the the current revenue by maintaining the status-quot. I have struggled with idea of filing an official complaint and bringing forth a real suit...but I don't think I am angry enough.

I guess that anger will come when I can no longer afford my rent, or when I have to choose between food or diapers. I sure hope I get a job soon, I really would like just to move on, and continue hoping the tipping point comes soon for those I left behind. In the meantime I will continue to celebrate my improving health and I can't wait until morning to spend Christmas eve with my daughter!

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